Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride
Available for Apple in iTunes and Android in Google Play
Join the 2016 Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride and cross the United States on a motorcycle with a safe, organized, fun and encouraging group of women (and men).
2016 is the 100th anniversary of Adeline and Augusta Van Buren’s courageous and unprecedented motorcycle ride across the United States. Commemorating their achievement, the Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride will begin in Brooklyn, NY, on July 3, 2016, and will conclude with a group ride into San Francisco on July 23, 2016. This ride will honor and celebrate our female motorcycling heroines of the past, as we promote the growth of women motorcyclists and the motorcycling community.
With this application you can stay informed by receiving ride information, updates, event notifications as well as follow us on social media, plus much more. During the event our app will offer complete and up-to-date information on a daily basis.